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Leading Effective Academic Practice or LEAP is the growth and performance system for teachers that helps ensure we have a great teacher in every classroom. LEAP helps us grow and develop great teachers by helping them identifying areas of strength and opportunities for growth. LEAP plays an integral role in moving forward the work of the South Atlantic Plan 2021, where we GrowExcellence.


LEAP’s Design

LEAP is nationally recognized and was developed for the purpose of defining excellent instruction and providing clear expectations for what great teaching looks like. Aligned to standards of Adventist Education, LEAP uses evidence-based best practices that outline the framework for effective teaching. LEAP provides a holistic view of a teacher’s practice to determine performance using multiple measures including observation, Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) mentors, feedback, professionalism, and student and parent perception data. In addition, educators are provided access to personalized professional learning opportunities to support their growth.


Multiple Measures

  • LEAP
    Research-based systematic observation and evaluation gives teachers and leaders the opportunity to reflect on practices and to make shifts in instruction and support based on a variety of data. The system is designed to look holistically at multiple factors contributing to a teacher's effectiveness.


  • Observation

    School leaders observe a teacher’s classroom practice, collect evidence, align the evidence to the Comprehensive Professional Evaluation, arrive at an indicator score to help capture the level of performance, and identify strengths and opportunities for growth.

  • Professionalism

    Reflects the off-stage, individual and collaborative teacher behaviors that impact planning, instruction and student learning.

  • Student and Parent Perception Surveys

    Representing the voice of the students and the parents, the perception surveys includes categories of each teacher’s practice as perceived by their students and their parents.

    Student Growth Objectives

  • Measures how teaching impacts student academic learning and growth. When taken into account with other measures of teacher performance, student academic outcomes provide a more holistic picture of the learning that results from teacher actions over the course of a year.



These may be reproduced, using a Likert-type scale from 1-5, distributed and collected using an electronic platform (i.e. Survey Monkey).


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